Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Indirect Characterization of God *Bible Spoiler Alert*

Today in class we made a mind map about the indirect characterization of god. In doing this i realized a few things. one of which is that god is really powerful, if he is unhappy, he just thinks about something and its done. He wiped all life off of the face of the earth faster then i could blink, that's some serious power. Another thing i found really suprising was how god was portrayed. I expected god to be an almighty being that knew everything and controlled everything. Instead he is portrayed as human like. He has emotions just like humans, he feels angry guilty and more. He feels angry when the people of earth are not obeying his commands and worshipping him. However he also feels guilty when he realizes what he has done, so he makes a covenant with Noah's family never to flood the earth like he did. Another thing i found interesting was how god felt in debt to noah, so when noah wanted to punish his son canaan god kind of obeyed him. He made canaan in to noah's son's slave.

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